Why Assetnote

Learn why companies like Atlassian, Checkpoint, and Canva trust Assetnote as the foundational element to a holistic security program.

The Platform of Choice

Our Definition

Your ASM platform should constantly map your environment, enrich newly discovered assets, and identify exploitable issues every hour.

It should provide coverage for multiple surfaces, not just cloud.

Your team should expect nothing less.

Our Differentiator

Assetnote's pushes the standard further with an industry-leading research team that finds and reports novel exposures.

Users get immediate access to that intelligence through the platform. Then Assetnote's easy-to-use workflows allow for seamless collaboration.

Your team deserves that level of maturity.

A comprehensive platform to proactively secure your attack surface.

From a single seed domain, the Assetnote Attack Surface Management Platform will discover the digital assets that make up your attack surface.

The platform will then continuously analyze these assets and map out contextual information including technologies, ports and services, SSL certificates, application screenshots and more.

Each asset is monitored in real time for high signal, exploitable vulnerabilities and other security issues.

Findings are accessible via the Continuous Security Platform, a large suite of integrations, or the extensive API.

Real Time Monitoring & High Signal Findings

The Full Suite of Capabilities

Automated Asset Discovery

Keep pace with your evolving external attack surface through advanced yet automated reconnaissance techniques across web and mobile channels.

Continuous Security Analysis

Continuously analyze for security weaknesses built on years of leading security research.

Actionable Exposures

Assetnote Exposure Engine is built to find exploitable exposures. We provide you with only those crucial alerts and minimize false positives.

Intelligent Asset Management

Manage new external assets and risk as they evolve to quickly identify gaps in coverage.

Rich Integrations and API

Leverage our extensive integrations and API for powerful standard and custom capabilities.

Battle-Tested Scalability

Confidently handle continuous assessments across hundreds of thousands of assets.

Collaborative Workflows

Work as a team under a single platform with well designed user workflows.

Full Customizability

Fine-tune Assetnote's capabilities to the specific needs of your organization.

Built-In Expertise

Leverage our investment in industry-leading vulnerability research through the platform.

Real Time Situational Awareness

With our ASM platform, each of your assets is monitored in real time, enabling your security teams to respond quickly and effectively to security incidents, minimizing the impact of the attack and preventing it from escalating.

Actually reduce your attack surface through our continuous discovery, enrichment, and exposure detection engines. Leverage our platform's powerful workflow management and customizability to help your security teams get real work done.

Built For Security Teams

Assetnote is built with the end user in mind. Not only is the product rich with attack surface management features, it also includes an unparalleled user experience, customizability, and collaborative workflow functionality.

Ready to get started?

Get on a call with our team and learn how Assetnote can change the way you secure your attack surface. We'll set you up with a trial instance so you can see the impact for yourself.