Continuing the Citrix Saga: CVE-2023-5914 & CVE-2023-6184
While most of the attention for vulnerabilities within Citrix has been on their NetScaler VPN product, we noticed that there were several other products offered by Citrix that require an on-premise deployment of a web application, that is sometimes internet facing. This piqued our interest and led us to investigate the security of these self-hosted applications.
In late 2023, our Security Research team discovered two vulnerabilities. We worked with the Citrix team for this disclosure.
CVE-2023-5914 in Citrix StoreFront, which is an enterprise app store for users that aggregates and presents virtual app and desktop resources from on-premises and hybrid deployments.
CVE-2023-6184 in Citrix Session Recording, which captures and archives screen updates, including mouse activity and visible output of keystrokes.
Both of these applications are written in C#, and the vulnerabilities we discovered in them are interesting from a source code analysis perspective as they both abuse quirks of the C# ecosystem.
For Citrix StoreFront, we discovered CVE-2023-5914, which is a reflected Cross-Site Scripting issue which is exploitable without authentication. This vulnerability was exploitable through coercing an error message during an XML parsing procedure in the SSO flow.
And secondly, for Citrix Session Recording, we discovered CVE-2023-6184, an RCE vulnerability caused by insecure .NET remoting configurations allowing for insecure deserialization.
We were able to exploit this issue on our target without authentication in the wild, but this vulnerability seems to require authentication when installed under default configurations which is why it has a lower CVSS score of 5.0 from Citrix.
Coercing XML Deserialization Errors to Achieve XSS in Citrix StoreFront (CVE-2023-5914)
After decompiling the application with dnSpy we ran a search for all classes which inherited from BaseMvcController
. We then looked at each result and verified which endpoints on each were accessible without authentication. One of the endpoints we found was <span class="code_single-line">/Citrix/teststoreAuth/SamlTest</span>
on the <span class="code_single-line">SamlTestController</span>The code for this method is shown below.
What we immediately noticed was the string interpolation with no sanitisation in the exception handler. If we found an exception message that reflected user-controllable input we could achieve a cross-site scripting attack. We searched through SamlManager.ProcessPackedSamlData
to see what codepaths threw exceptions.
The XML parsing exceptions often contained reflected input, however it was usually restricted and did not allow the characters needed to exploit the vulnerability. After enumerating the XML error messages used by the dotnet runtime here we found <span class="code_single-line">'{0}' is an invalid xml:space value.</span>
Using this, we created the following XML payload.
The payload was then Base64 encoded, JSON encoded, compressed and Base64 encoded again. This gave us the following request / response demonstrating the cross-site scripting.
The following encoder script can be used to generate payloads for this endpoint:
RCE through .NET Remoting in Citrix Session Recording (CVE-2023-6184)
While looking at one of our targets’ attack surface, we came across what looked like a default IIS page. A directory brute force quickly showed that the server was in fact an instance of Citrix Session Recording, housed under the virtual directory <span class="code_single-line">/WebPlayer</span>.

Having discovered serious vulnerabilities in other Citrix products, this was a promising lead. Here, however, we were at a dead end. With no indications or hints in the page source about the underlying functionality of the application, to make further progress it would be necessary to dig into source code.
Digging into the Application
Citrix Session recording is not widely available, even if you have an active account in their downloads portal. Our target was running Citrix Session Recording 2308, which was the latest version at the time. We were able to get the ISO for 2203, <span class="code_single-line">Citrix_Virtual_Apps_and_Desktops_7_2203.iso</span>. This was not ideal but we assumed that the main functionality of the application would be the same.
The application is written in .NET and only runs on IIS on Windows. Additionally, it requires a bunch of prerequisite setup. After a day of fiddling around with setup and VirtualBox, we finally had a local copy of the application installed and running, and were ready to inspect the source of the application. By default, Session Recording appears to use local Windows user authentication to gate access to the entire site. This did not match the behavior of our target (we could connect to it via the external internet with no auth) so we disabled Windows local auth in IIS and carried on.
Finding the Bug
One of the core parts of any IIS application is the <span class="code_single-line">web.config</span> file. Not only does it configure properties of the site, but it specifies routes, registers DLLs, catalogues authenticated and unauthenticated directories, among other interesting things. In this case, something caught our attention:
The application exposes SOAP endpoints using System Runtime Remoting, presumably to communicate to Session Recording clients. These endpoints are installed under the <span class="code_single-line">/SessionRecordingBroker</span> path:
Visiting <span class="code_single-line">/SessionRecordingBroker/RestApiStat.rem</span>
, we get an internal server error, suggesting the endpoint is correct.
What is interesting about remoting is that it uses .NET serialization to communicate, which is widely known to lead to RCE. And in this case we have <span class="code_single-line">typeFilterLevel="Full"</span>
, which means there are no restrictions on the type of objects we can pass.
This is not the first time an application has exposed remoting services like this. In 2019 Soroush Dalili wrote a blog post on how to exploit IIS applications configured like this. The blog post the condition under which a SOAP-formatted payload will execute:
- The HTTP verb should be POST or M-POST
- The SOAPAction header should not be empty
- Removal of <span class="code_single-line"> <SOAP-ENV:Body></span> and <span class="code_single-line">
tags from the payloads
First, let’s create the payload:
Then, removing the <span class="code_single-line"><SOAP-ENV:Body></span> tags and adding a <span class="code_single-line">SOAPAction</span> header, we get the following request:
Sending this request, we can indeed see that on our local setup, we create a file in the public directory:

Sending a DNS lookup based request to our target, we were able to confirm the RCE worked on the latest version as well.
Citrix has stated that this issue requires authentication to exploit in default configurations, however from our experience we found that we were able to exploit this in the wild without authentication. There is a chance that these endpoints are accessible without any authentication.
As always, customers of our Attack Surface Management platform have been notified for the presence of this vulnerability. We continue to perform original security research in an effort to inform our customers about zero-day and N-day vulnerabilities in their attack surface.
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